continued from chapter 5: part 4
Here is a sampling of questions you will probably want to ask your doctor or oncologist (cancer specialist)on your first visit, although this doesn't let you off the hook with your research. Compare what you're learned through reading with what the doctor replies. If the doctor's answers are confusing, have them clarified.
Most of these questions will be brought up by the doctor and you won’t need to ask but you'll feel better if you are over-prepared..
1: WHAT ARE THE USUAL treatments for my kind of cancer? Please describe in detail.
You may or may not want to ask this question: what is the survival rate with this kind of treatment? How long has this treatment been used?
2: WHY DID YOU CHOOSE this treatment over any others? What side effects can I expect and are there ways to combat them?
3: ARE THERE ANY alternative treatments in the works that you find encouraging?
4: I'VE BEEN READING about a treatment called (X) and it sounds promising. Why aren't you trying this?
5: HOW DO YOU TELL if my cancer has spread?
6: I WANT TO TALK TO SOME PATIENTS who are receiving this same treatment you are advising. How do I do this?
7: I UNDERSTAND EACH CANCER is identified by a type and stage. What is mine? What does that mean?
8: WHAT ARE THE TREATMENT RISKS in my case? I've heard that some people die from the after effects of the treatment rather than the disease.
9: WHAT ARE the optimal results I might expect from this treatment? How often have you seen this happen?
10: HOW OFTEN WILL my condition be monitored?
11: WHAT ARE YOUR OVERALL PLANS for my treatment based on what you see now?
12: WHO DO I CALL if I get into medical problems outside of clinic hours?
13: I MIGHT WANT to get a second opinion. Do you have any objection?
14: IF I OPT FOR a non-traditional treatment at this early stage, can I return to your care at a later time, if I feel it necessary?
There. You have taken matters into your own hands and you know a lot more about your disease. and chances are you feel more confident.
Now you’re ready to make your decision. You are armed with the right questions and you’ve noted the answers.
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